Bare with me, I have no idea what I’m doing. I just want to vent and have searched for months for a story similar to mine to give me answers or hope but nothing. So figured why not be the first.
Am I even doing this right? I have an option to share pictures - but what do I share? What I looked like before my brain surgery? What I look like now (just kidding, I haven’t even accepted how I look yet I’ll be damned if I show strangers)? My bad-ass brain surgery scar? The perfect supportive humans in my life? So many options so instead, I will not share a picture. I am not here to share a picture, I am here to share a story. I developed dysarthria after my brain surgery meaning that I have full cognition, but lost most of my ability to speak (I’m relearning though). Since I have full cognition, my mind is fully there, but my speech is not. I think 1 million things a day, but can only speak about 1/15th of my mind. Anyone who knows me knows I’ve never been one to not speak my mind. I sort of feel “trapped” in my head with my thoughts and I know how unhealthy that can be/is for me. So I tried to express my thoughts in a journal but joke was on me, in addition to needing to relearn how to walk, talk, and smile - I need to relearn how to write. Lucky for us all, I can still type like a boss.