31 years young, mother, lover, fighter, brain tumor defeater. Big fan of all things caffeinated, living and breathing what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. OPTIMISTIC that the best is yet to come.

10 Things I Would Rather Do With My Sunday Night

Game of Thrones, Imma let you finish. But Breaking Bad is the best series of all time.


I understand Game of Thrones fans are just about as intense as Beyonce fans, so people will probably hate me for this. I’m a proud and avid member of the Beyhive so this isn’t about Beyonce. Please don’t send me hate mail.

Here it goes- Will everyone shut up about Game of Thrones already? I realize I may be the only person left on the planet that hasn’t watched and doesn’t care, but there’s bigger things to worry about. Like.. idk, real things? Things like Roe vs Wade facing a serious threat of being overturned or things like The Grumpy Cat dying this week. I’m just saying if everyone cared half as much about social inequalities as they do Game of Thrones, the world would be a better place.

I won’t lie, I’ve tried to get into Game of Thrones so many times. I just can’t get past the first few episodes and here is why: Firstly, Joffrey is a little shit. Every time I see him on my TV screen I just want to punch him in the face. Secondly, the white walker and dragon stuff is too much for me. Pick one. If I wanted to watch something full of fakeness I’d watch Harry Potter or Full House. Thirdly, they need a Rosetta Stone for Game of Thrones.

Here’s a list of the 3 reasons I would watch:

  1. To stare at Emilia Clarke.

  2. To stare at Jason Momoa.

  3. To support Starbucks.

Here’s a list of 10 things I would rather do with my Sunday night:

  1. Driving behind someone going 30 in a 55.

  2. Going to a store that doesn’t accept credit cards in 2019.

  3. Using Dial-Up internet.

  4. Hanging out with someone named Alexa with amazon's Alexa in the room.

  5. Watching Mariah Carey’s 2017 Ball Drop performance.

  6. Texting “fuck” and having the iPhone keep correcting it to “duck”.

  7. Going out to eat with someone that chews with their mouth open (just kidding, there’s nothing worse than that).

  8. Literally.

  9. Anything.

  10. Else


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